When you download our content, you agree to our terms of the EULA. Redistributing ANY content from this site under any circumstance (THIS INCLUDES CONVERTING CONTENT TO WORK WITH MOBILE VERSIONS OF TRAINZ!) without the proper permission and/or credit is strictly forbidden, and anyone caught doing so will be issued a warning at first. Subsequent violations of our EULA will result in a notice to Cease and Desist (takedown order) being sent and failure to comply will result in the violator(s) being reported and possibly sued .
DISCLAIMER: We are not responsible for any damage to your computer caused by our content. The recipient(s) of our content shall take full note that anything they download from our site is at their will and that all content comes with a risk factor. The recipient(s) are responsible that the content downloaded from our site is for their version of Trainz or Microsoft Train Simulator/OpenRails and NOT ANYTHING ELSE.
TRAINZ locomotives, rolling stock, and scenery are designed for Trainz 12 and up, but MAY work with Trainz 2009 and 2010.​​​​
TRAINZ routes are designed for Trainz A New Era and up and WILL NOT work with Trainz 2009 and 2010.
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